Day 2

Once again, I decided to spend a day in complete and total relaxation. Another day of unproductive laziness and horror movies, with few trips outside to distract from my final refresher before the renewal of my academic year. I woke up shortly before my girlfriend went to work, just in time to say good morning and promise to run some errands for her. Then I sat down with my computer to work on some personal projects I had going. Nothing in this town opens until after 10am, so I had plenty of time to burn.

The biggest disappointment of my day was that my school's email server was down. I kept trying to log in with Outlook, but couldn't get a connection. Out of a desperate need to feel connected to the virtual outside world, I broke down and opened the school's webpage, trying to login through their email web portal. Unfortunately, that route was also closed to me. The server will probably be down for a few more hours. Hopefully Outlook will click back in before the shakes set in. Digital withdrawal is horrible.

After a while I finally decided to take a trip to the video store so I could rent my horror flicks. My goal was to get one or two and have them watched all the way through before my girlfriend got off work. I decided to leave as early as possible, too, so I could drive confidently before the digital depression took full force. I didn't even know if I'd be capable of walking in a straight line, let alone driving, after the digidrawal (short for digital withdrawal) got bad.

I picked up two horror movies and a romance film for my girlfriend to watch with me. I try to be a nice guy every now and then; life is more fun that way. After the video store was a trip to the landlord to pay the rent and then to the laundry room to run a load for my girlfriend. Then I sat down with my computer to see if the internet had started working again. Nope. No email. None at all. I couldn't believe it! I had no connection to the real world. I needed my email!

After the hyperventilation subsided I was able to stand and put in the first DVD. I hoped the whole time I watched FBI warnings and short "do not pirate the DVD you paid to watch already" films that the horrific attributes of the film would help me forget the digital demons ravaging the network. It was obvious that my digidrawal was heavy today, so I turned up the volume on the surround sound and wrapped myself tighter in the blanket I hadn't even noticed I'd picked up in the first place.

Despite the gore on the television, I could see the little robots that jammed my email inbox crawling the wires inside my computer. If I stayed really still, they might not see me. God knows I wouldn't want them screwing around in my head. A scream on the movie made me jump, and the data mites saw me and started to close in. I tried to move away, but they were too fast. Then I heard a chime from across the room.

I had new mail.

Suddenly I realized it was only noon and I hadn't really done anything with my day. Oh well, at least the digidrawal was gone.

Day 2 of 100 - Summary: Beware the data mites and digidrawal!

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