Day 15

The neighbors made a snowman. He's sitting right across the street. Grinning, and staring directly into my window. I think he's mocking me for not making a snowman of my own. But I showed him up today. I walked all the way through the snow the three blocks to the grocery store for some root beer. He can't walk; doesn't even have legs.

There was a lot of snow on the ground still, and it was incredibly cold outside. I made sure to put on my boots and grab my extra-heavy coat before I stepped out the door. Wintry weather is fun until it gives you a cold, then you sit in the drizzling northwest with a runny nose and sour temper. Heavy clothing is a must this time of year, even if you're only going to the grocery store.

I was amazed at how fresh the snow still looked even after sitting all night in the sub-freezing temperatures. I had expected it to all turn into ice and make the day's commute even more hellish (or at least that's what the weather people told me would happen). I was pleasantly surprised, though, as I walked away from the 6-foot tall silent but laughing white figure on the lawn across from my apartment and made my way towards the grocery store.

It was foggy out still, and I could see a few new snow flakes floating down from the heavens. Just out of curiosity I stopped and tilted my head back, sticking my tongue out in hopes of catching some of the mysterious white powder falling from above my head. I stood there a full five minutes before I felt anything. Even now I'm not entirely sure if it was worth the wait.

When I finally looked down, I was in a different world. Everything was white and I couldn't tell where I was. I thought I was still on my street, but I couldn't tell for sure. I walked up the hill a little bit farther but could still not distinguish any landmarks.

After what felt like an hour of walking into the wind, I curled up next to a small boulder and pulled my coat as tight as I could. I did not want to stop walking, but with no reference points I had no idea where I might end up! I sat and waited for help for what could have been days or hours; time seemed to stand still in the white place.

A man approached me and helped me up. He walked me around the boulder I had been lying next to and took me into a house. Why hadn't I seen this before? was the only question I could ask myself. Then I realized I recognized the house. I was sitting on my own reclining chair.

Apparently I had tilted my head back far enough that I fell backwards on the ice and hit my head. I had pulled myself next to my own car and had lain there for a total of three minutes before my roommate came out looking for me. He had wanted root beer, too.

And now, thanks to my lack of coordination, neither of us get any root beer. He'll keep drinking coffee, and I'll sit with an icepack to my skull to keep it from swelling.

Round one to you, Mr. Snowman.

Day 15 of 100 - Summary: The snowman always wins.

1 comment:

Annie said...

poor baby eric.. he fell and hit his head. i hope he feels ok today...