Day 28

Advice for your future: Keep a steady sleep schedule and don't rubber band from sleep deprivation to well-rested and back. It can be hazardous to your health. Consider the way my day went today. I woke up at o-dark-early in the morning and then died, or at least felt like dying, as I pulled myself out of bed and got dressed for class.

Then I made my way sluggishly to campus for class.

The rest of the day is kind of foggy to me. I vaguely remember language classes and then heading to a lunch with my program director. I'm not sure what we ate, where, or even who paid, but I remember enjoying the meal. After that, I spent time studying for my evening class and highlighted textbook pages in between sips of a highly caffeinated drink (so highly caffeinated that it should probably be illegal).

Right now is a few hours before my class and I'm writing mostly so I don't forget than for any other reason. I highly doubt I will be taking notes tonight and will probably find my way back to bed before I acknowledge the start of the lecture.

Tomorrow will bring more energy, more creativity, and, hopefully, clarity for the first time in a long time.

Day 28 of 100 - Summary: Rubber bands suck - particularly in your sleep schedule!

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