Day 30

"Business in the front, party in the back." Well, that's how I've heard mullets described by certain comedians. What I saw today on the train, though, was a complete reversal of that wonderful saying.

It was cold this morning and I had the hood on my sweatshirt up so I wouldn't freeze to death. The hood has the added disadvantage that I can't actually see anything to my left or right and occasionally run in to people or miss very comical events happening just outside my peripheral vision. The hood does keep my ears nice and warm, though.

I was running late this morning, so I ended up catching a different train that put me 20 minutes behind schedule. There was a completely different crowd on the train at this time, too. I'm used to standing among business people and other college students on the early train. The later train seems to be used by the handful of people willing to be a few minutes late to work, construction workers, and high school students trying to skip first period math class downtown.

It's the last category that caught my eye this morning. After I had been on the train long enough to be comfortable with its artificial heat, I took my hood down and surveyed my fellow commuters. I immediately had to throw my hood back up to keep from laughing. Standing about three feet from my left was a teenager with a backwards mullet. Yes, a backwards mullet.

It was short and professionally cut in the back, so I almost didn't see the rest of his haircut until he turned around. It looked like the front half of his hair hadn't been cut for at least three or so years. Business in the back, party in the front. It was the perfect way to start my 12-hour day on campus; and I'll never be able to push the image, or the laughter that accompanies it, from my mind.

Day 30 of 100 - Summary: My trust in mullet man will never be the same.

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